Product Overview

Beautifully subtle. Entirely secure.
We build security products for worst-case scenarios, but you’re building for much more than that. Even if a building might someday encounter threats of violence or natural disasters, it serves a purpose as a place of commerce, diplomacy or even residence. Norshield designs products that provide the highest levels of protection without compromising aesthetics, functionality or performance.
Tough solutions to resist a range of ballistic threats
There is no such thing as “bulletproof.” A ballistic or bullet resistant material is designed to resist penetration from specific types, calibers, and velocities of ballistic threats at various levels. Test procedures and methods vary, but generally involve a specific sample size, number of impacts, temperature, spacing or pattern of impacts, and measurement of any penetration or spalling from the test sample.
Standing guard against forced entry attacks
There is no one-size-fits-all approach to threat reduction from physical attack. Physical threats are usually defined by combinations of time, selected test tools and apparatus, quantity of test sequences, and number of attackers. Most test procedures are based upon a series of attack sequences conducted by human participants, but some involve the use of mechanical test apparatus.
Built to withstand explosions and uncertainty
Blast mitigation is one of the most difficult threats facing security professionals today. Norshield consults with blast specialists to ensure our systems work in conjunction with the building structure for maximum protection without structural collapse. We have successfully provided blast mitigation systems for U.S. embassies, GSA facilities, FAA buildings, military compounds, and other structures worldwide.
Natural Disasters, as big as any threat we face.
Not every threat is man-made. In 2019 alone, the U.S. was impacted by 14 separate billion-dollar disasters, including 8 severe storms and 2 tropical cyclones. Norshield won’t be bullied by anyone, and that goes for Mother Nature as well. Norshield can design windows that meet or exceed Miami-Dade County Hurricane Approval Certification and FEMA 361 for impact and debris containment.