
Standardized. Efficient. Secure.
Louver systems designed to incorporate into any project.
Louvers might not be your first concern; by design, they attract very little attention. But louvers play in an integral role in a security system overall. Norshield louvers are engineered to perform their utilitarian function without compromising security.
Galvanized steel construction provides 60-minute Forced Entry Resistance to Department of State Standard SD-STD.01.01 Revision G Amended.
Ballistic resistant to UL Level 8 and Department of State Standard SD-STD-01.01 Rev. G (Amended), the Norshield LVR6000 louver resists multiple impacts of 5.56mm and 7.62mm NATO ammunition with no penetration or spalling.
Wide range of size and configuration options along with proven modular design allows for joining of units for large louver areas without sacrificing security.
Superior Airflow and Pressure Drop for improved performance over other security louver systems (airflow report available upon request).
Unique Open Vane design and sloped open-face sill for drainage and water evacuation, minimizes water infiltration.